Wednesday, January 24, 2007

i don't understand

...what i'm doing wrong and why you can't say hello to me. i'm trying, really i am.

Monday, January 22, 2007

here's to...

roe v wade

and hopes that we elect a new president that will uphold our rights, fix the wrongdoings of GW and his people, and bring an end to this war.

choice is important. reproductive rights are important. speak up about them or they'll go away.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


How long do you hope for something thats never going to happen?

Friday, January 12, 2007

reading minds

I wish I could read minds. I wish I could know what others are thinking. I wish I knew because usually I have no clue. And that drives me mad. Mad I tell you.

I had a few weird moments this week, moments I was dreading because I didn't know how to apporach them but I suppose it was fine in the end? I don't know because I can't read minds! I just have no flipping clue.

I wonder if other can read my mind?

Monday, January 08, 2007

Today is one of those days when I just want to give up.

(not in a sucidal way or anything - please don't worry)

work work work

If one more person asks me what I plan to do with my degree and what I plan to do when I actually get around to graduating, I AM GOING TO SCREAM!

It's been an interesting experience at work. I love it beyound anything I could ever imagine. I feel like I am making a difference but sometimes making a difference is a frustrating task. I am constantly trying to break down the "this is how we've always done it" barrier and intriduce things like looking at why people aren't coming to join our organization. I am constantly bringing up the issues of race, class, gender, culture, sexuality, and the list could keep going.

Yet, bottom line, this is it. This is what I want to do. I want to work in a type of social service and that is CAMP! I see camp as a tool for educzation and service in our community. I believe it instills one of the best qualities for any person to have...COMMUNITY.

Along with directing, I also want to keynote and consult. There aren't enough women in the field and I am determined to change that.

Continuing my education is being done because I want to learn. I already have the job and already can support myself. I am going because I need to learn more about the community of this country and globe. Which is why I am studying what I am studying. It's only to help me make more of an impact.

So in the middle of this crazy schedule and work of mine and when I am feeling like no one really cares about what we could really do to help the world and these girls, and I am asked what I plan on doing, I get so damn frustrated. THIS IS A REAL JOB! IT TAKES A LOT OF WORK! I GET PAID FOR IT! I HAVE BENEFITS! WHAT ELSE WILL MAKE IT REAL ENOUGH TO DO FOREVER? WHAT I ASK< WHAT?

(Really the caps are not meant for people reading this but how I would prefer to say it to the people who ask and I politiely respond)

Friday, January 05, 2007

To Do..

I get to be on TV. And then I get to make a presentation to a group of semi-important people and then I get to speak at a buisness breakfast meeting about my job and what I do and why I do it and why they should donate.... this job only gets better.

why does going to taget....

have to cost so much?

Seriously...why? Why do I end up buying more than I go in for and spend more than I ever needed to? Why?

I mean all I did was go in to buy some new notebooks for the new semester...and then I saw socks on clearence and then there were the retractable highlighters.....and it keeps going...but I did purchase a new schoolbag on clearence and that made my day super happy. Anyhow...I really wish I has some more substance to this post but I suppose I don't.

Monday, January 01, 2007

it's been a relaxing week...

...and I am about to get ready for work in the morning. I have had the week off and have had a most enjoyable time visiting with friends and exploring this great city I live in. It's been a long time since I have said screw it to what really needs to get done and just enjoy yourself. As much as I am dreading waking up tomorrow and having to face hwat needs to be done - the break was very much needed.

I feel very focused right now. Focused on my life and my job and most importantly school. I am ready to take on the next semester. I found out that I need to take more classes next semester than I orginally thought I would, therefore creating a most busy semester ahead. In addition to getting all the crap I need to do at work done, I also really want to do well this semester. I really do. Which means I need to focus. I would also like to get more involved in my school and meet some more people around here where I live. Wish me luck on this adventure of's bound to be non-stop fun till May.

On a whole other subject - my favorite news story headline I saw on my news roll on my homepage the other read....are you ready

"Tornado scare sends Bush running for cover"

Yes, I was quite amused...imagining him running scared....hehehe. (I know he was most likely not running but I will imagine it nonetheless)

I was also very annoyed to hear he was sleeping when Saddam was being executed. I feel like he tends to check himself out when shit is going down around the world. I mean I guess the man needed sleep but really, it was 9pm and you can't say that the USA has to be careful and are on alert and then go to bed. Although I suppose he can sleep peacefully with all his secruity while the rest of America is fearing what will happen next in the world.
Oh Georgie...when is your term up?

Now I must go dig for clean clothes for the morning!!!!!
