Thursday, February 08, 2007

t odo

I'm taking off on my first ever, offical buisness trip...all expenses paid to Austin, Texas. Very exciting. I have been runnign to do lists through my head all week in preperation....

To Do Before Leaving:
email prof and tell them why i am not in class
pay bills

To Do While Gone:
meet people
enjoy my time
enjoy the warm weather
forget all my worries and woes

To Do Upon Return:
come back to reality

But really, I am excited. I wont have to justify why i do what i do or how much work is actually involved or explain my frustrations. I love being around professionals in this field because they get it. And it seems not many people in my life get it right now.

And to top my day off..I was hit on at Jewell TWICE! Still got the moves I guess. Maybe I met the new love of my life? Highly doubt it but damn, makes a girl feel good.

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